Yoga Resources

Unity Yoga is compiling a list of useful yoga resources

The Esoteric Nature of Pranayama

With Carlos Pomeda

A 4-hour workshop

comprising two 2-hour video recordings. 

Recordings available for an extended time.

In these two sessions Carlos  discusses:

What is prana? What does it have to do with the breath?
What is the relationship of prana to the subtle body and the mind?
What is the link between prana and kundalini?
What effect are pranayama practices having on the subtle and physical bodies?
How does pranayama help to purify prana?
What is kumbhaka and why is it so important?
How do pranayama practices support meditation?
 Contact Christine:  for access to these recordings.
Cost: AUD $60





Study Group with Carlos Pomeda

The Pratyabhijna Hrdayam: The Heart of Recognition

24  sessions of 2 hours each from a 2023 study group
In this study group we will learn to how to recognize the most extraordinary supreme consciousness in the midst of the most ordinary processes. Starting with an expansive understanding of the unfolding of consciousness in the universe and offering the key to the understanding and experience of supreme reality, the seminar will culminate with several powerful techniques for the expansion of consciousness. Ultimately, this tradition teaches that the unfolding of the inner energy brings about the attainment of supreme bliss right within your own heart.
This study combines the most sublime philosophy and wisdom with the most powerful and relevant practices. Come join us as we celebrate the miracle of consciousness in our lives.
With over 34 years of experience, Carlos Pomeda received formal, traditional training in yoga during almost 18 years as a monk of the Sarasvati order, 9 of which he spent in India, in the Siddha Yoga Ashram. During this time he learnt the various systems of Indian Philosophy and immersed himself in the practice of yoga. He combines this traditional training with an academic background as well, having earned two Masters’ degrees: one in Sanskrit from UC Berkeley and another one, in Religious Studies, from UC Santa Barbara. As a teacher, Carlos is known for his love of the Indian yoga traditions, his insight, his humor, his deep empathy with his audiences and his ability to convey the deepest scriptural teachings in a way that is clear, meaningful and applicable. Studying with Carlos is a truly delightful and enlightening experience.
Total cost for 24 sessions (48 hours): AUD$960

Abhinavagupta’s Paramarthasara, with Carlos Pomeda

12 sessions comprising 18 hours of recordings from a 2022 study group with Carlos Pomeda

In this 11th c masterpiece, the great Siddha Abhinavagupta gives us what he considers the most essential understandings of Tantra. These are insights to navigate life and the intricacies of the quest for enlightenment. In an easy to understand tone, he lays out the dynamics of karma, human evolution and the various layers of the human being and the universe we live in. 

The text also implies powerful meditational approaches.     

Be inspired by the greatest exponent of Tantra, and explore these magnificent teachings at your own pace.

Full cost for 18 hours of study: $300



1:1 6-hour module on Theming for Yoga classes

How to make your themes inspire and transform a physical yoga practice for your students.               

Have you ever read a poem or told a story at the beginning of your class?

And then wrapped up at the end of the class with another reference to the content of the poem or story?

What if you carried the same attitudinal or heart quality throughout the class, interweaving it with your alignment instructions?

This 6-hour module will teach you how to present a general theme, or story, that carries an attitudinal or heart quality that resonates in the body and breath.

Your students will learn to express this feeling or attitude through the form of the body.

In doing so, they are less likely to be drawn into their own doubts, fears and resistance – the mind-stuff we refer to as conditioning, or karma.

This can be a truly transformational experience for your students.

In this module I will show you how to tie your theme back to the highest purpose of hatha yoga, which is reconnecting us to an awareness of our essential nature and the essential nature of all things: the reality of Universal Consciousness, Cit-Ananda.

And I will lead you through a wide array of themes and stories, so that you can tailor your theming instructions to your specific student community.

Theming needs to be foundational to yoga asana practice.

Learn to transform your teaching with me.

Module price AU$650
Contact me to arrange your 1:1 online program:


Coming soon:

A history of yoga from its beginnings in c800BCE to its current position as modern postural yoga.
A valuable guide for your teacher trainings, or as a way to understand, via a simple presentation, how yoga has developed over the past two and a half centuries.